
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

If it Were to Snow

I have given up on the weather man. The last two or three times he said it would snow, it did not snow. He should know that we school children dread the feeling of a snow less night. I guess he (or she) is doing their job. Portland is apparently suppose to be getting snow showers for the next few days. Most likely, those places will not including where I live. Even though I live at a high elevation, not an inch of a blanket of snow hits the ground. Maybe it is just me, but I love the feeling of waking up in the morning with an inch or two of snow at least.(Especially on a school day. Those who do not regularly get snow know what I mean) Well, I am lucky I get to miss school on snow days. When my dad was a kid in St. Paul, he had to go to school even when it snowed. On the other hand, my mom lived in Los Angeles.(You hopefully understand what I mean) Even on ice covered roads, my mom refuses to drive. Because of her fear of driving on wintery conditions, I've missed a few days of school. The reason for that is we lived at a higher elevation and the lower elevation would have clear conditions. I guess that is how it is then. Anyway, I doubt we will get snow, or enough to close the school. I seriously just want to build a snow fort!

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