
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Impressions

First Impressions They are important in how people view you. They are extremely important in an interview for a job. Recently, I talked to my mom about this subject. First impressions can tell someone who we are with just a few minutes. They can be good, but also bad. How can they be bad? Lets say you are applying for a job or having a college interview. (Something on the lines of that). You act in a manor which is unappealing to the person you are talking with. They apparently find no interest in you whatsoever, so you don't get into the college or the job. First impressions also apply to meeting people. I've made many mistakes on talking to people for the first time. One thing is I talk way too much about my problems and how, "I never do anything." I should be more interested in what the other person is talking about rather than just thinking about myself. It isn't bad to talk about yourself, but if you are only talking about yourself than you have a problem. There is another problem with first impressions. They can deal with how you look also. If you are dirty or don't seems to dress nice, people might label you as a slob. I really dislike judging someone by how they look, but that is how society works these days. It relates to me in high school. People at my school tend to talk to the person who dresses in the nicest clothes and is well put together in appearance. If you are sloppy in the way you dress, then people back off. The "sloppy" person could be a nicer person then the other. That is how I feel. I don't have the best sense of style, but I do try to dress casual. But hey, that is how high school kids are. Anyway, first impressions can be very important in business and in your social life. Hopefully we can make a good one.

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