
Monday, February 28, 2011

My School and their Budget

As my classmates and I print out our essays for third period AP US History, you wonder if the school is using the money for the right things. When I first came to the school last year, everything seemed to be running smoothly. As the school budget declined and many teachers cut, everything started to go downhill. We have cut days, larger classes (Don't get me started on the larger classes. You can't breathe anymore), and just overall a dis functional environment. It is hard to wait five minutes for one document to print. There are supposedly at least six or seven other printers in the school? How come only one or two or them work? It comes back to what the principle spends the money on. Apparently, he spent a whole bunch of money on IPODS for gym. WHY? I don't know. Most people already have IPODs. He also gave a student an IPAD for a recent "unnecessary" contest we had. (How much are IPADS, like, four hundred bucks?) That money could of been used to fix our printers....... I shouldn't be complaining though. The principle does do a fair job running this school and the high school is high on its academics. But seriously, why'd you need to give a student an IPAD. In conclusion, I'm not criticizing the school administration on its work, but on how it spends its money. Portland Metro Schools aren't doing so well these days due to cuts in school funding. Maybe its a state wide thing. I guess I should calm down a little bit. But, seriously, us students are crowded in our classes! (*cough*French*cough*) Haha, I'm so pessimistic! :D

1 comment:

  1. I go to Tualatin High (if you live in Portland I'm sure you're familiar with it) and we have pretty severe cuts too... class sizes are huge. Our PE classes are up to 60+ students. The Tigard-Tualatin district budget got cut 20% last year and will be cut another 20% next year. It's just crazy and sooo sad. It's time like these that I really wish I went to a private school... no budget problems there!


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