
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Victorian Dresses and so Forth

Wow, I think this will be my third post today. Anyway.....

I recently got into fashion and different styles. I got this style from watching Gone with the Wind Scarlett O'Hara's style shows us some Victorian in a Southern Belle type fashion. I had to watch the movie for a project, and I love the dresses the women wore.I started soon looking online at Victorian type dresses. I just admire it all. Recently I went to this large book store called Powells in Downtown Portland and there was a whole section dedicated to fashion. They had a book on fashion from the late 19th century. I was leaving so I couldn't look at it.

Recently, I've really wanted to learn how to create my own clothing. I think that would be a great opportunity for me. I don't have much to do and I would love to find myself a hobby. I don't know where I can start, but I should learn how to sew. My mom thinks it would be nice for me to do something. For spring break, since I'm not doing anything, (I'm not going to California, so that whole post was mostly a lie. Sorry!)I wanted to do arts, crafts, and all that jazz.

I will probably be updating a lot this week, but I will probably be showing more pictures. I'm still, though, having trouble linking some pictures to the design page. I will get it going by Monday. I hope you all have a great Spring Break (Well it depends where you are or even if you get a spring break). Hopefully the weather is nice!


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