
Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Fashion Sense (Part 2)

Today, I realize how many young girls are trying to grow up too fast. When I was their age (lets just say 8 or 9 years old), I collected Pokemon cards and didn't care what I was wearing. I only cared about my friends, getting straight A's in school, and swim team.

Now today, little girls are starting to wear more makeup and dress inappropriately. My sister talked about how she wanted to wear a bra! When I was 12-13 when I got a bra, I screamed and begged my mom that I was fine. A few months ago, I saw a picture of little girl training bras. Seriously, 8 year olds don't need to wear bras. If they need to wear something under their main shirt let them wear an undershirt. That's what I did!

Continuing on with little girls, their clothing gets shorter and tighter. The neckline on some little girls' dresses are way too short. These girls are walking around with short shirts and tank tops with little cloth.

What I believe little girls should wear is something that covers most of their bodies. They can wear skirts, but not too short. (If it is really short they should wear leggings) Overall, little girls can be as cute as they want. Wear dresses and blouses, that's fine with me!

Anyway, I believe that people can wear whatever they want, but they should dress in a decent matter. What are your views on clothing?

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