
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Just Another Day

Hello, I'd like to wish you a great day!

Anyway, the weekend is nearly over. In a few hours I will have to start my homework, luckily I don't have much to do. My mom's birthday was today and my sister made a cake. The cake, in my opinion, was dry. I prefer to make lemon/white cake instead because whenever my family makes a chocolate cake it isn't moist. My mom got a present, she got smelly markers from my little sister. Why mom mom needs smelly markers, I don't know, those will end up going to my sister.

I'm very nervous for the next couple weeks of school. My AP US History Exam is coming up, and I feel like I'm not ready. I didn't miserably on my last unit exam, I just don't know if I will do well on the REAL test.

I have noticed I have started to gain some weight. Though I'm only around 118 pounds, it is much different from the beginning of the school year which I was 108-110 pounds. It is just hard because I haven't bought new pants and my current jeans are getting too tight for me. I remember when I couldn't fit into a size 2! I should start exercising more. Luckily over summer break I will play more tennis. In fact..........

Summer break is only about 2 months away! I'm so excited. I'm ready to go to California and enjoy the warm weather. The hottest so far it has gotten where I live was the low 60's. Hopefully, though, it will warm up as May and June comes around.

The weekends ending, sadly, but there will be more coming up. There will be more time to relax to summer! :)

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