
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day at the Park

Because of boredom and the fact I had to take pictures for my class, I went to the local park. I had to bring my sister along, mostly because when I told her I didn't want her to come she started to scream. My mom lended me her camera to take my pictures. I took some other pictures because of my boredom.

I saw these trees with pink flowers on them. Don't know if they are cherry blossoms are not, but they are pretty.

After about an hour at the park, we left for home. We only live about 10 minutes away walking distance. When I got home I got on here and will eventually continue with my quilt.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What I Did Today....

Today I did a lot, probably the most fun all of this week! I went to Oaks Park which is this type of amusement park outside of Downtown Portland (You can see some tall buildings from the bridge).

On Friday (Yesterday), we did go but it closed just as we got there and my sister started to cry.

Today, we went around 2 which is probably the busiest time to go. I roller skated at the rink. The last time I went roller skating was a couple of years ago at the rink they had in Eugene. I am a decent skater, but not the best. Luckily, I didn't have to skate by the wall. (I did practice to stop and turn around and that was the only time I used the wall). I wanted to learn the, what is it called? Turnovers, front step? I forgot, but it is when you turn and you put your feet over each other. My dad tried to teach me it years ago, and I was ok. The difference between here and Eugene is that there are less people in Eugene. It was crowded so it was hard to practice without bumping into someone. I'm not good with steering around people because I fear falling and wobble while passing a person.

During one part they separated skaters by age and gender. I was afraid since I'm not the fastest skater or the most skilled one. (I'm a beginner, so). I tried to skate as fast as I could but it only made me go so far. I watched as these other girls would speed past me. I guess I should build up my muscle to get faster.

I did fall a lot and I do have a bruise (and a sore ankle). I left just before the park closed.


I recently have wanted to start learning how to make my own clothing.I went to this store, and they had a ton of fabric. I couldn't find any clothing patterns, which disappointed me. I, instead, am going to start making a quilt. (Which is probably good for a beginner). I had a hard time choosing from the fabric. What do you expect? There is over 100 types of fabric patterns! (Oh, the possibilities). The lady at the department helped us, which was great since she knew what she was talking about. In conclusion, I got a basic sewing set with scissors and pins. I also got my patterns. I decided I wanted to make my quilt a "cutesy, girly pink" type of quilt. I chose between that and the florals. I just seem to adore cute things. The backing of my quilt was very expensive for 3 1/2 yards! Oh well, hopefully the final product will look nice. My aunt paid for it and she wants to see the final product too. (My sister also got a pillow set and is going to make her own pillow. I made a pillow during girl scouts, and I finished way ahead of the other girls. Now, that's a different story itself). I will also show you my quilt once I'm finished with it. It might take me a couple weeks, maybe even a couple months to finish. With finishing school and my AP test coming up in a month, I will be busy. I will take my time because I want it to look nice and I don't want to waste my aunt's money. (Who doesn't?)


For the rest of the night I just ate at the spaghetti factory. I like how the restaurant in Downtown Portland is by the river side. As we were going there my mom noticed how many buildings they had put up since we first started eating at the spaghetti factory years ago. There used to be nothing! Oh, how time changes! There, they had a balloon sculpting (or whatever you call them) guy. In fact, I myself know how to make a balloon animal! I can make a dog, an elephant, and a.... SNAKE! Haha! I guess I should keep practicing. :)


Anyway, I hope all you school attending pupils had or will have a great spring break! I'm not in the mood to go back to school on Monday since I do have a quiz. I guess school might get better. I did get accepted into the National Honors Society (Like many students at my school). I also might take Japanese! My life can be spontaneous.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My First Photoshop Post

Hi Everyone! It's Meghan. I'm going to let you know that I'm making another tab which is going to show all my designs. Here are some of the type of works you will see.

It will be set up soon!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Victorian Dresses and so Forth

Wow, I think this will be my third post today. Anyway.....

I recently got into fashion and different styles. I got this style from watching Gone with the Wind Scarlett O'Hara's style shows us some Victorian in a Southern Belle type fashion. I had to watch the movie for a project, and I love the dresses the women wore.I started soon looking online at Victorian type dresses. I just admire it all. Recently I went to this large book store called Powells in Downtown Portland and there was a whole section dedicated to fashion. They had a book on fashion from the late 19th century. I was leaving so I couldn't look at it.

Recently, I've really wanted to learn how to create my own clothing. I think that would be a great opportunity for me. I don't have much to do and I would love to find myself a hobby. I don't know where I can start, but I should learn how to sew. My mom thinks it would be nice for me to do something. For spring break, since I'm not doing anything, (I'm not going to California, so that whole post was mostly a lie. Sorry!)I wanted to do arts, crafts, and all that jazz.

I will probably be updating a lot this week, but I will probably be showing more pictures. I'm still, though, having trouble linking some pictures to the design page. I will get it going by Monday. I hope you all have a great Spring Break (Well it depends where you are or even if you get a spring break). Hopefully the weather is nice!


My Fashion Sense (Part 2)

Today, I realize how many young girls are trying to grow up too fast. When I was their age (lets just say 8 or 9 years old), I collected Pokemon cards and didn't care what I was wearing. I only cared about my friends, getting straight A's in school, and swim team.

Now today, little girls are starting to wear more makeup and dress inappropriately. My sister talked about how she wanted to wear a bra! When I was 12-13 when I got a bra, I screamed and begged my mom that I was fine. A few months ago, I saw a picture of little girl training bras. Seriously, 8 year olds don't need to wear bras. If they need to wear something under their main shirt let them wear an undershirt. That's what I did!

Continuing on with little girls, their clothing gets shorter and tighter. The neckline on some little girls' dresses are way too short. These girls are walking around with short shirts and tank tops with little cloth.

What I believe little girls should wear is something that covers most of their bodies. They can wear skirts, but not too short. (If it is really short they should wear leggings) Overall, little girls can be as cute as they want. Wear dresses and blouses, that's fine with me!

Anyway, I believe that people can wear whatever they want, but they should dress in a decent matter. What are your views on clothing?

Spring Break

This spring break I hopefully will be going to California. My dad is trying to convince my mom to drive us down to Los Angeles for the week. For a couple of times, she has refused. I seriously want to go to California rather than stay home all week. If I do stay in Oregon, THAT IS ALL I WILL BE DOING! I want to do many types of act ivies while I am in California, one of them includes going to the beach. I know that Oregon has beaches, but they are cold and windy. Don't get me wrong, they are beautiful and clean, but I prefer to lie on the warm sand. I want to make a sand castle real bad! :D I also want to try to get into a taping of a TV show in Hollywood. Unfortunately, you have to reserve for it months in advanced. I'll do the best I can though. I will also get to see my dad's new boat! It is two stories and I have only seen it in pictures. Anyway, what are you guys doing for Spring Break? Are you working or going on vacation? camp? Nothing?? I'd like to know what you are going to do! :)


Friday, March 11, 2011

My Fashion Sense (Part 1)

This post(s) are a response to Farm Girl at Home's blog post on modesty. I will not be talking about modesty on this post, but on the next post. This post will be on the top of my fashion sense and what types of clothing I like.

My favorite types of shirts are graphic tees and polos. I have a thing for polos. They are simple yet classy. My favorite store is Lacoste, and sadly they don't have one in Oregon. They are expensive though. :( The last one one I got was on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. I was a couple inches shorter and weighed barely over a hundred pounds. Now ten pounds and 2-3 inches later I can barely fit into the shirts. I guess that is what happens when you grow. :D The second shirt is a type of polo style I like. I believe the brand of the picture is Ralph Lauren, which is also expensive. I find this style at many other stores which are not as expensive. Oh, an graphic tees! I'm an artistic person so yah.

I'd also like to add I love this style of jacket. It is usually refer ed to as "trench coat". I saw this type of jacket in black, which I prefer. The ones, though, I have seen have been over 300 bucks, one even over 3000. (The 3000 dollar one was from a company called Blueberry and is very expensive. It was a very nice coat though. People with all their money!)

My favorite type of shoe? I enjoy wearing tennis shoes, flats, army style boots, Mary Jane's, and some styes of heels. I dislike uggs and gladiator sandals for some reason, they just don't appeal to me. I don't wear heels very often. I like the black ones that have straps around the ankle. I love to wear tennis shoes at school. It is simple for me since I'm a simple person. (Haha, not really). I just adore mary jane shoes. Who says little kids are the only ones who can wear them! There are certain styles for teens/adults also. They are cute. :)

Now for this section, I will tell you what I wear on a daily basis. Much of the items I've mentioned I don't actually wear. I usually just wear the jeans and t shirt to school. I wish I could have the courage to dress how I like. Right now, it is hard for me. Money and all, haha. Anyway, my next post is going to be the real topic.

The link for Farm Girl at Home is

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I have been very tired lately, don't know why. Maybe its because I have so much homework? No. I started playing tennis. Sadly, no. I stay up too late on a school night. Well, maybe. Whatever the case, it has been affecting my ability to concentrate at school. This is a problem especially since I have math at the end of the day. My eyes slowly close and my body turns down, but it is two o'clock in the afternoon! Anything, the real reason is probably due to the fact my iron level is low. Someone (me) hasn't been taking their medicine. Ugh, I know! "TAKE YOUR MEDICINE!" Maybe I would if I woke up earlier. Maybe I should go to bed earlier...... I wonder......................