
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Break

This spring break I hopefully will be going to California. My dad is trying to convince my mom to drive us down to Los Angeles for the week. For a couple of times, she has refused. I seriously want to go to California rather than stay home all week. If I do stay in Oregon, THAT IS ALL I WILL BE DOING! I want to do many types of act ivies while I am in California, one of them includes going to the beach. I know that Oregon has beaches, but they are cold and windy. Don't get me wrong, they are beautiful and clean, but I prefer to lie on the warm sand. I want to make a sand castle real bad! :D I also want to try to get into a taping of a TV show in Hollywood. Unfortunately, you have to reserve for it months in advanced. I'll do the best I can though. I will also get to see my dad's new boat! It is two stories and I have only seen it in pictures. Anyway, what are you guys doing for Spring Break? Are you working or going on vacation? camp? Nothing?? I'd like to know what you are going to do! :)


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